So last sunday, the weekend pullout of Berita Harian called Berita Minggu ran a huge headline titled “Blogger untung RM1 juta” which loosely translates as “Blogger earns RM1 million” and featured a blogger (Mira Abu Bakar frm redmummy) with the caption “Blog saya pernah mencapai jumplah tertinggi kira-kira RM12,000 sebulan” (The highest my blog has gotten is RM12,000 a month).
The full article had quotes from Nicholas Chay, head of Nuffnang Malaysia, Blogger Aimie Harmelia from jejariruncing, gf of Malaysia’s football star – Khairul Fahmi Che Mat – and a Lecturer (Pensyarah Kanan?) from UM’s Media Studies department talking about (in general) how popular blogs can make money and how blogging is part of the Malaysian lifestyle.
Interesting thing to note that along with that article, was another one about how bloggers are also required to pay taxes to the Inland Revenue Board (LHDN) under the Income Tax Act (Akta Cukai Pendapatan) 1967, Section 7 where it states that income made online are also subject to taxes.
What I really disliked was how BH sensationalized the piece, giving the impression that a singular blogger made the RM1 million. There was no mention at all in the article(s) about how this number came about. Was it accumulative of all the bloggers? Or one blogger over the course of xx years?
Anyway, I know some people might not have Berita Harian so I have reproduced the article here. Please feel free to share (and link back if possible? :P) Thanks Kazwan for editing the pic for me! Click the image below for a bigger version